Zain Great Idea III

Zain Great Idea III

After Zain great idea II in 2013, Zain Kuwait and Brilliant Lab came together again in 2015 to bring another successful and extra ordinary acceleration program that helped more than 70 startup in order to shape there business’s.

About Zain great idea program:

Zain Great Idea is a corporate social responsibility program established by Zain, associated with Brilliant Lab (a Startup Accelerator Services from Kuwait). The main aim of the program is to educate and nurture local Kuwaiti entrepreneurs in vital areas of their businesses, specifically, tech related businesses. The duration of the program is 6-9 months, and is specialized for entrepreneurs who are looking to establish their startup businesses and those who wish to accelerate their business plan with international standards.

Program Phases

It’s a very simple 4 phases process.

Phase 1: Apply and qualify for the Zain Great Idea Program.

Phase 2: Attend the Brilliant Lab Boot Camp, qualifiers will attend a local 3-week workshop facilitated by mentors from Harvard, Stanford, IE Business School, and MIT.

Phase 3: Zain Great Idea Accelerator Program with Mind the Bridge. Qualify to be a part of the top 12 projects that will advance to Mind the Bridge Foundation, to attend a tech start up school in Silicon Valley, San Francisco.

Phase 4: Zain Demo Day. Get the opportunity to share your idea with potential investors.


All Zain Great Idea participants hadto undergo an intensive three weekbootcamp at Zain headquarters.During the bootcamp, they wereexposed to different courses whichinclude: financial management, brandmanagement, marketing, negotiationskills, venture capital funding, humanresources, operations, business modelcanvas creation and many moreimportant areas of running an SME.Once the bootcamp had concluded,the participants were expected topresent to a committee of judges,who evaluated their business ideas ona number of criteria.The final 12 projects were chosen toadvance to Phase 3 of the program.

Fresh off the plane, all the Zain GreatIdea participants went on a tour ofSan Francisco and saw the city from adifferent perspective before they starttheir program tomorrow at Mind theBridge.Visiting different areas in San Franciscosuch as the Twin Peaks, Lombard Street,Fisherman’s Wharf, and of course,the Golden Gate Bridge – the 12entrepreneurs had a thrilling, exciting.

Zain and Brilliant Lab kick start theZain Great Idea accelerator programin San Francisco at Mind The BridgeFoundation.Mind The Bridge, based in SiliconValley, San Francisco, will guide andmentor each of the participantsthrough the third phase of the ZGIProgram. A number of activitiesare specifically set as part of theprogram to develop their businessesand provide new insights to the techindustry worldwide. Workshops arefacilitated by international experts,as well as informative field trips toGoogle, AutoDesk, LinkedIn, Frog, andMashape headquarters – to name a few.

Our Partners And Association

Program Introduction, Training, Final Report, How did we help our participants, Participant Survey

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